Source code for datawrapper.__main__

"""Access Datawrapper's API to create, update, delete charts.

Datawrapper API lets you programatically interface with your charts.
It lets you create and edit charts, update your account information and many more things
 to come.

    This package is a light-weight wrapper around Datawrapper's API.

        Typical usage example:

        dw = Datawrapper(access_token = <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>)

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import logging
import os
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Iterable

import IPython
import pandas as pd
import requests as r
from IPython.display import HTML, Image

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Datawrapper: """Handles connecting with Datawrapper's API. Handles access to your Datawrapper's account, create, delete and move charts, tables or maps. Will attempt to read environment variable DATAWRAPPER_ACCESS_TOKEN by default. Args: access_token: A personal access token to use the API. See """ _BASE_URL = "" _CHARTS_URL = _BASE_URL + "/v3/charts" _PUBLISH_URL = _BASE_URL + "/charts" _FOLDERS_URL = _BASE_URL + "/v3/folders" _ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv("DATAWRAPPER_ACCESS_TOKEN") def __init__(self, access_token=_ACCESS_TOKEN): """To create a token head to By default this will look for DATAWRAPPER_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable. Parameters ---------- access_token : [type], optional [description], by default _ACCESS_TOKEN """ self._access_token = access_token self._auth_header = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}
[docs] def account_info(self) -> dict[Any, Any] | None | Any: """Access your account information. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing your account information. """ account_info_response = r.get( url=self._BASE_URL + "/v3/me", headers=self._auth_header ) if account_info_response.status_code == 200: return account_info_response.json() else: msg = ( "Couldn't find account. Make sure your credentials ", "(access_code) are correct.", ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def add_data(self, chart_id: str, data: pd.DataFrame | str) -> r.Response: """Add data to a specified chart. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table or map to add data to. data : pd.DataFrame | str A pandas dataframe containing the data to be added or a string that contains the data. Returns ------- requests.Response A requests.Response """ # Set headers _header = self._auth_header _header["content-type"] = "text/csv" # If data is a pandas dataframe, convert to csv if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): _data = data.to_csv(index=False, encoding="utf-8") # If data is a string, use that else: _data = data # Add data to chart return r.put( url=f"{self._CHARTS_URL}/{chart_id}/data", headers=_header, data=_data.encode("utf-8"), )
[docs] def refresh_data(self, chart_id: str) -> r.Response: """Fetch configured external data and add it to the chart. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table or map to add data to. Returns ------- requests.Response A requests.Response """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" return url=f"{self._CHARTS_URL}/{chart_id}/data/refresh", headers=_header, )
[docs] def create_chart( self, title: str = "New Chart", chart_type: str = "d3-bars-stacked", data: pd.DataFrame | str | None = None, folder_id: str = "", organization_id: str = "", metadata: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[Any, Any] | None | Any: """Creates a new Datawrapper chart, table or map. You can pass a pandas DataFrame as a `data` argument to upload data. Returns the created chart's information. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title for new chart, table or map, by default "New Chart" chart_type : str, optional Chart type to be created. See, by default "d3-bars-stacked" data : [type], optional A pandas DataFrame or string containing the data to be added, by default None folder_id : str, optional ID of folder in for the chart, table or map to be created in, by default "" organization_id : str, optional ID of the team where the chart should be created. The authenticated user must have access to this team. metadata: dict, optional A Python dictionary of properties to add. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the created chart's information. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["content-type"] = "application/json" _data = {"title": title, "type": chart_type} if folder_id: _data["folderId"] = folder_id if organization_id: _data["organizationId"] = organization_id if metadata: _data["metadata"] = metadata # type: ignore new_chart_response = url=self._CHARTS_URL, headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_data) ) if ( chart_type == "d3-maps-choropleth" or chart_type == "d3-maps-symbols" or chart_type == "locator-map" ): logger.debug( "\nNOTE: Maps need a valid basemap, set in properties -> visualize" ) logger.debug( ( "Full list of valid maps can be retrieved with\n\n", "curl --request GET --url\n", ) ) if new_chart_response.status_code <= 201: chart_info = new_chart_response.json() logger.debug(f"New chart {chart_info['type']} created!") else: msg = f"Chart could not be created, check your authorization credentials (access token){', and that the folder_id is valid (i.e exists, and your account has access to it)' if folder_id else ''}" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) if data is not None: self.add_data(chart_id=chart_info["id"], data=data) return chart_info
[docs] def update_description( self, chart_id: str, source_name: str = "", source_url: str = "", intro: str = "", byline: str = "", aria_description: str = "", number_prepend: str = "", number_append: str = "", number_format: str = "-", number_divisor: int = 0, ) -> Any | None: """Update a chart's description. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table or map. source_name : str, optional Source of data, by default "" source_url : str, optional URL of source of data, by default "" intro : str, optional Introduction of your chart, table or map, by default "" byline : str, optional Who made this?, by default "" aria_description : str, optional Alt text description number_prepend : str, optional Something to put before the number number_append : str, optional Something to after before the number number_format : str, optional The format number number_divisor : str, optional A multiplier or divisor for the numbers """ _header = self._auth_header _header["content-type"] = "application/json" _data = { "metadata": { "describe": { "source-name": source_name, "source-url": source_url, "intro": intro, "byline": byline, "aria-description": aria_description, "number-prepend": number_prepend, "number-append": number_append, "number-format": number_format, "number-divisor": number_divisor, } } } update_description_response = r.patch( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_data), ) if update_description_response.status_code == 200: logger.debug("Chart updated!") return None else: msg = f"Error. Status code: {update_description_response.status_code}" logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def publish_chart(self, chart_id: str, display: bool = True) -> Any | None: """Publishes a chart, table or map. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table or map. display : bool, optional Display the published chart as output in notebook cell, by default True """ publish_chart_response = url=f"{self._PUBLISH_URL}/{chart_id}/publish", headers=self._auth_header, ) if publish_chart_response.status_code <= 201: publish_chart_info = publish_chart_response.json() logger.debug(f"Chart published at {publish_chart_info['url']}") if display: iframe_code = publish_chart_info["data"]["metadata"]["publish"][ "embed-codes" ]["embed-method-iframe"] return HTML(iframe_code) else: return None else: msg = "Chart couldn't be published at this time." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def chart_properties( self, chart_id: str ) -> dict[Any, Any] | None | Any | Iterable[Any]: """Retrieve information of a specific chart, table or map. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the information of the chart, table, or map. """ chart_properties_response = r.get( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=self._auth_header, ) if chart_properties_response.status_code == 200: return chart_properties_response.json() else: msg = ( "Make sure you have the right id and authorization ", "credentials (access_token).", ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def chart_data(self, chart_id: str): """Retrieve the data stored for a specific chart, table or map, which is typically CSV. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the information of the chart, table, or map. """ # Request the data endpoint response = r.get( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}/data", headers=self._auth_header, ) # Check if the request was successful assert ( response.ok ), "Ensure you have the right id and authorization credentials (access_token)." # Return the data as json if the mimetype is json if "json" in response.headers["content-type"]: return response.json() # If it's a csv, read the text into a dataframe elif "text/csv" in response.headers["content-type"]: return pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text)) # Otherwise just return the text else: return response.text
[docs] def update_metadata(self, chart_id: str, properties: dict[Any, Any]) -> Any | None: """Update a chart, table, or map's metadata. Example: Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. properties : dict A python dictionary of properties to update. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["content-type"] = "application/json" _data = {"metadata": properties} update_properties_response = r.patch( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_data), ) if update_properties_response.status_code == 200: logger.debug("Chart's metadata updated!") return None else: msg = f"Error. Status code: {update_properties_response.status_code}" logger.error(msg) text = json.loads(update_properties_response.text) logger.debug("Message: ", text["message"]) logger.debug("Chart could not be updated.") raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def update_chart( self, chart_id: str, title: str = "", theme: str = "", chart_type: str = "", language: str = "", folder_id: str = "", organization_id: str = "", ) -> Any | None: """Updates a chart's title, theme, type, language, or location (folder/organization). Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID Of chart, table, or map. title : str, optional New title, by default "" theme : str, optional New theme, by default "" chart_type : str, optional New chart type. See, by default "" language : str, optional New language, by default "" folder_id : str, optional New folder's ID, by default "" organization_id : str, optional New organization's ID, by default "" """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" _header["content-type"] = "application/json" _query = {} if title: _query["title"] = title if theme: _query["theme"] = theme if chart_type: _query["type"] = chart_type if language: _query["language"] = language if folder_id: _query["folderId"] = folder_id if organization_id: _query["organizationId"] = organization_id update_chart_response = r.patch( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_query), ) if update_chart_response.status_code == 200: logger.debug(f"Chart with id {chart_id} updated!") return self.publish_chart(chart_id) else: msg = "Chart could not be updated at the time." logger.debug(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def display_chart(self, chart_id: str) -> IPython.display.HTML: """Displays a datawrapper chart. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- IPython.display.HTML HTML displaying the chart. """ _chart_properties = self.chart_properties(chart_id) _iframe_code = _chart_properties["metadata"]["publish"]["embed-codes"][ # type: ignore "embed-method-iframe" ] return HTML(_iframe_code)
[docs] def get_iframe_code(self, chart_id: str, responsive: bool = False) -> str | Any: """Returns a chart, table, or map's iframe embed code. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. responsive : bool, optional Whether to return a responsive iframe embed code., by default False Returns ------- str iframe embed code. """ _chart_properties = self.chart_properties(chart_id) if responsive: iframe_code = _chart_properties["metadata"]["publish"][ # type: ignore "embed-codes" ]["embed-method-responsive"] else: iframe_code = _chart_properties["metadata"]["publish"][ # type: ignore "embed-codes" ]["embed-method-iframe"] return iframe_code
[docs] def export_chart( self, chart_id: str, unit: str = "px", mode: str = "rgb", width: int = 400, plain: bool = False, zoom: int = 2, scale: int = 1, border_width: int = 20, transparent: bool = False, output: str = "png", filepath: str = "./image.png", display: bool = False, ) -> Any | None: """Exports a chart, table, or map. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. unit : str, optional One of px, mm, inch. Defines the unit in which the borderwidth, height, and width will be measured in, by default "px" mode : str, optional One of rgb or cmyk. Which color mode the output should be in, by default "rgb" width : int, optional Width of visualization. If not specified, it takes the chart width, by default None plain : bool, optional Defines if only the visualization should be exported (True), or if it should include header and footer as well (False), by default False zoom : int, optional Defines the multiplier for the png size, by default 2 scale : int, optional Defines the multiplier for the pdf size, by default 1 border_width : int, optional Margin arouund the visualization, by default 20 transparent : bool, optional Set to `True` to export your visualization with a transparent background. output : str, optional One of png, pdf, or svg, by default "png" filepath : str, optional Name/filepath to save output in, by default "./image.png" display : bool, optional Whether to display the exported image as output in the notebook cell, by default False Returns None ------- IPython.display.Image If display is True, it returns an Image. """ _export_url = f"{self._CHARTS_URL}/{chart_id}/export/{output}" _filepath = Path(filepath) _filepath = _filepath.with_suffix(f".{output}") _plain = "true" if plain else "false" querystring = { "unit": unit, "mode": mode, "width": width, "plain": _plain, "zoom": zoom, "scale": scale, "borderWidth": border_width, "transparent": transparent, } _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" export_chart_response = r.get( url=_export_url, headers=_header, params=querystring # type: ignore ) if export_chart_response.status_code == 200: with open(_filepath, "wb") as response: response.write(export_chart_response.content) if display: return Image(_filepath) else: logger.debug(f"File exported at {_filepath}") return None elif export_chart_response.status_code == 403: msg = "You don't have access to the requested chart." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) elif export_chart_response.status_code == 401: msg = "You couldn't be authenticated." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg) else: msg = "Chart could not be exported." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def get_folders(self) -> dict[Any, Any] | None | Any: """Get a list of folders in your Datawrapper account. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the folders in your Datawrapper account and their information. """ get_folders_response = r.get( url=self._FOLDERS_URL, headers=self._auth_header, ) if get_folders_response.status_code == 200: return get_folders_response.json() else: msg = ( "Couldn't retrieve folders in account. Make sure you have the right ", "authorization credentials (access token).", ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def get_folder(self, folder_id: str | int) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Get an existing folder. Parameters ---------- folder_id : str | int ID of folder to get. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the folder's information. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" response = r.get( url=self._FOLDERS_URL + f"/{folder_id}", headers=_header, ) if response.ok: folder_info = response.json() logger.debug(f"Folder {folder_info['name']} retrieved with id {folder_id}") return folder_info else: msg = "Folder could not be retrieved." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def create_folder( self, name: str, parent_id: str | int | None = None, team_id: str | int | None = None, ) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Create a new folder. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the folder to be created. parent_id: str | int, optional The parent folder that the folder belongs to. team_id: str | int, optional The team that the folder belongs to. If teamId is empty, the folder will belong to the user directly. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the folder's information. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" _query: dict[str, Any] = {"name": name} if parent_id: _query["parentId"] = parent_id if team_id: _query["teamId"] = team_id response = url=self._FOLDERS_URL, headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_query), ) if response.ok: folder_info = response.json() logger.debug( f"Folder {folder_info['name']} created with id {folder_info['id']}" ) return folder_info else: msg = "Folder could not be created." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def update_folder( self, folder_id: str | int, name: str | None = None, parent_id: str | int | None = None, team_id: str | int | None = None, user_id: str | int | None = None, ) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Update an existing folder. Parameters ---------- folder_id : str | int ID of folder to update. name: str, optional Name to change the folder to. parent_id: str | int, optional The parent folder where this folder is stored. team_id: str | int, optional The team that the folder belongs to. user_id: str | int, optional The user that the folder belongs to. Returns ------- r.Response.content The content of the requests.delete """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" _query: dict[str, Any] = {} if name: _query["name"] = name if parent_id: _query["parentId"] = parent_id if team_id: _query["teamId"] = team_id if user_id: _query["userId"] = user_id url = self._FOLDERS_URL + f"/{folder_id}" response = r.patch( url=url, headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_query), ) if response.ok: folder_info = response.json() logger.debug(f"Folder {folder_id} updated") return folder_info else: msg = "Folder could not be updated." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def delete_folder(self, folder_id: str | int): """Delete an existing folder. Parameters ---------- folder_id : str | int ID of folder to delete. Returns ------- r.Response.content The content of the requests.delete """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" url = self._FOLDERS_URL + f"/{folder_id}" response = r.delete( url=url, headers=_header, ) if response.ok: logger.debug(f"Folder {folder_id} deleted") return response.content else: msg = "Folder could not be deleted." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def move_chart(self, chart_id: str, folder_id: str) -> Any | None: """Moves a chart, table, or map to a specified folder. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. folder_id : str ID of folder to move visualization to. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["content-type"] = "application/json" _data = {"folderId": folder_id} move_chart_response = r.patch( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=_header, data=json.dumps(_data), ) if move_chart_response.status_code == 200: logger.debug(f"Chart moved to folder {folder_id}") return None else: msg = "Chart could not be moved at the moment." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def copy_chart(self, chart_id: str) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Copy one of your charts, tables, or maps and create a new editable copy. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the information of the chart, table, or map. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" url = f"{self._CHARTS_URL}/{chart_id}/copy" response =, headers=_header) if response.ok: copy_id = response.json() logger.debug(f"Chart {chart_id} copied to {copy_id['id']}") return copy_id else: msg = "Chart could not be copied at the moment." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def fork_chart(self, chart_id: str) -> dict[Any, Any]: """Fork a chart, table, or map and create an editable copy. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the information of the chart, table, or map. """ _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" url = f"{self._CHARTS_URL}/{chart_id}/fork" response =, headers=_header) if response.ok: fork = response.json() logger.debug(f"Chart {chart_id} copied to {fork['id']}") return fork else: msg = ( "Chart could not be forked. If it's a chart you created, ", "you should trying copying it instead.", ) logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)
[docs] def delete_chart(self, chart_id: str) -> r.Response.content: # type: ignore """Deletes a specified chart, table or map. Parameters ---------- chart_id : str ID of chart, table, or map. Returns ------- r.Response.content The content of the requests.delete """ delete_chart_response = r.delete( url=self._CHARTS_URL + f"/{chart_id}", headers=self._auth_header ) if delete_chart_response.content: return delete_chart_response.content else: logger.debug(f"Successfully deleted chart with id {chart_id}") return None
[docs] def get_charts( self, user_id: str = "", published: str = "true", search: str = "", order: str = "DESC", order_by: str = "createdAt", limit: int = 25, folder_id: str = "", team_id: str = "", ) -> None | list[Any]: """Retrieves a list of charts by User Parameters ---------- user_id : str, optional ID of the user to fetch charts for, by default "" published : str, optional Flag to filter resutls by publish status, by default "true" search : str, optional Search for charts with a specific title, by default "" order : str, optional Result order (ascending or descending), by default "DESC" order_by : str, optional Attribute to order by. One of createdAt, email, id, or name, by default "createdAt" limit : int, optional Maximum items to fetch, by default 25 folder_id : str, optional ID of folder in where to list charts, by default "" team_id : str, optional ID of the team where to list charts. The authenticated user must have access to this team, by default "" Returns ------- list List of charts. """ _url = self._CHARTS_URL _header = self._auth_header _header["accept"] = "*/*" _query = {} if user_id: _query["userId"] = user_id if published: _query["published"] = published if search: _query["search"] = search if order: _query["order"] = order if order_by: _query["orderBy"] = order_by if limit: _query["limit"] = str(limit) if folder_id: _query["folderId"] = folder_id if team_id: _query["teamId"] = team_id get_charts_response = r.get(url=_url, headers=_header, params=_query) if get_charts_response.status_code == 200: return get_charts_response.json()["list"] # type: ignore else: msg = "Could not retrieve charts at this moment." logger.error(msg) raise Exception(msg)