How to contribute

How to contribute#


Clone the repository. Move into the directory on your terminal.

Install dependencies for development.

pipenv install --dev

Install pre-commit to run a battery of automatic quick fixes against your work.

pipenv run pre-commit install


You can run unit tests to verify the library is working with the following:

pipenv run python -m pytest --cov -sv

We also enforce flake8, handled primarily via pre-commit. You can run it manually like so:

pipenv run flake8 ./datawrapper

We also enforce static typing with mypy, also handled via pre-commit. You can run it manually like so:

pipenv run mypy ./datawrapper --ignore-missing-imports

Before submitting#

Before submitting your code please do the following steps:

  1. Add any changes you want

  2. Add tests for the new changes

  3. Run tests

  4. Run the pre-commit hooks

  5. Edit documentation if you have changed something significant

Now you’re ready to submit your pull request.